Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh Kate Moss, You Hit It On The Nose

Everyone, at some point, has heard Kate Moss's inspirational quote: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". While this statement caused quite an uproar and many people were upset about it, I think she hit it on the nose.

I have been struggling with my weight. I posted about this earlier too, and things haven't changed much! I recently changed some meds around too, and the scale keeps going up and up. No matter what I do, how much I cut back, I have still been gaining.

So, I have been trying to live by the moto that so many frown upon. I try to tell myself that those cookies, or chips, or cake, or doughnuts, or latte, really isn't worth it, and the 5 minutes of heaven will stick to me for a lot longer than that. I would rather be skinny (or try to get that way), than to enjoy some sweet indulgence.

I am having a hard time, and I want to look and feel good. So I will keep struggling and trying, and hopefully soon (PLEASE, soon), I will look the way I want.

Are you stuggling with your weight? How do you feel about Kate Moss's quote?


  1. I personally love that quote. But, it should have a side note. Like... "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels. Although, it's okay to have a piece of chocolate every now and then." Ha ha ha.
