Friday, April 30, 2010

My Nightmares

They have started. Well, to be honest, they started a couple months ago, then went away. But now they are back, in full swing, every night. Wedding nightmares are my worst nightmare.

They weren't so bad when they first started. Just simple things would go wrong, like, the groomsmen didn't wear the right tuxes, the bridesmaids were running around crazy, no one was listening to me, people were walking up and down the aisle, random people were walking around us while we were trying to perform the ceremony (including TV show characters), things like that. But they have gotten worse.

2 nights ago I dreamt that MS decided he didn't want to get married anymore! And last night was just as bad, but not only did he not want to get married anymore, he wanted me to move out of the house! I don't know what I am going to do if these dreams continue. We have 4 1/2 months until the wedding, they can't possible be here to stay every night until then.

These nightmares aren't just affecting me either. Poor MS has to put up with me freaking out when we wake up and making him cuddle me. Please tell me these dreams will go away soon. Or get not so bad. I will take the groomsmen wearing crazy clothes and the bridesmaids running everywhere over these last couple dreams any night.

Did you have wedding nightmares? How long before the wedding did they start? Did they stay the whole time or come and go?


  1. Eek! These are awful! Luckily, none of your nightmares will ever come to fruition! And if some television character walks in front of you during your ceremony, I will tackle them! :)

  2. Thanks! :) The funny thing is, it was like all the characters from Friends! haha!!! If Jennifer Aniston is there, MS may not want to marry me after all! ;)
