Monday, January 18, 2010

Mini Version Doesn't Equal Mini Price

Take it in, shorten it up, pinch it together. Words I heard a lot at my first fitting today! It was so exciting and fun, and can't wait until the next one, about 3 weeks!!! After I did that, I was feeling extra wedding-ish, so I thought I would stop by the local tux shop. Mind as well get an idea of the men's tuxes right?

It wasn't quite as exciting as I thought it would be (certainly not as exciting as my dress appointment), but it wasn't too bad. I think I got a pretty good idea of what the men should wear, and was really excited about getting a mini version for my son (who will be a groomsman, not ring bearer!). I mean, how cute is this?

Well, it seems that they don't make mini versions to match. Really? Yeah, really. I was mad! They have little mini versions of a tux, the difference though is that the mini tux they offer (you can either rent or buy it for the same price), doesn't come with a vest, or tie, or in the colors we are going for. Therefore, we would have one "groomsmen" standing up there looking different (ok, I know he will be looking different as it is since he is about 1/2 the height but 1,000,000 times cuter than the others up there). That just doesn't work for me. Maybe its my little bit of OCD, or the fact that I want my son to fit in also, but I want ALL the men to be wearing the same outfits. So, my other option? Go with a ring bearer tux.

Ok, I can handle that (if it matches perfectly), as long as no one knows its a ring bearer tux. I don't know why, but I want nothing to do with ring bearers or flower girls or the like. My son is my little man, and he gets the honorary role of groomsman, not ring bearer. But this is my only other option to satisfy my OCD side. So we look at the offered tux's. She makes a few calls to verify that we can have done what I want (the exact same tux, just mini version), then she tells me the total cost.

I know how much the men's tux are going to cost. Not a big deal. I know how much a mini tux costs (quite a bit less than a grown man's), perfect. I know now how much she is going to charge me to rent (not buy) a "ring bearer" tux. THE SAME AMOUNT AS THE GROOMSMEN TUX'S! How is that possible? He is HALF the size!!!! They are using half the fabric, half the time for half the tux. Shouldn't it be half the price? Or at least a little bit less?! No. I have to pay FULL price for a mini tux.

Anybody else find they had to pay outrageous amounts for mini things?

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