I am sure you all remember that great board game. The one where you are the car and drive around going through the phases of life. You first get a college education, start a job, get married, buy a house, and have some kids (getting to add a couple blue and pink pegs to your car). Well, my goals in real life weren't that far off at all. They were:
- Go to college and graduate
- Start a career
- Get married to the man of my dreams (this one could be mixed into the first 2 someplace)
- Buy a house
- Have a few kids
After high school, I went to college (check), but I'm still not quite done with school. I have about 1 1/2 years left (so half check?). The other 4 goals kind of got a little mixed up. I will be starting a career, but it won't happen until after the other 3 goals are actually met. I am going to marry the man of my dreams in September (BIG check for that one!!!!), and we are in the process of buying (actually building) our first house (that has to deserve a check too). So, we will buy a house, THEN get married. Not a big deal to me that they are out of order. The kid thing, well, that got moved around a little too!
It actually came before buying a house, getting married, starting a carreer, AND graduating. Oops. Yes, my son is the result of an "accident". He has to be the best accident to ever happen though. And while it didn't work out with his father (thank God ;) ), I have met the most amazing man that has stepped up and accepted both me and my son, and he loves us both unconditionally.
So, there are my life goals. Happening in one order or another, but none the less, I am slowly checking them off. Now, the meaning of marriage.
Many people don't support MS and I in our marriage. It isn't a secret, and we aren't upset about it. They think we are too young (23 and 25), it happened too fast (within a year), and that we just aren't ready. What they don't know about us is this. MS and I have had many a long talk about what marriage means to us. It seems to us that in today's world, a lot of people get married with the thought that if it doesn't work, there is always divorce. We don't see it that way. If we weren't 100%, absolutely sure, about spending THE REST of our lives together, we wouldn't be getting married. We are making a commitment that we will honor and hold up until the day we die. Yes, it happened fast, but there is that feeling, deep down in the pit of our stomachs and in the very back of our minds, that just knows that we are meant to be. We can't explain it (I just hope someday you feel it too), but it is there.
So, in short, to me the meaning of life is to set some goals and achieve them. Its ok if they don't happen in the order you set, but make them happen. As for marriage? Reguardless of if people support you or not, when you know that you have found the one you can't live without, that makes your heart beat a little bit stronger, and you can see yourself growing old with, don't let them get away. Saying yes to my handsome man down on one knee in front of me was the best (and easiest) decision I have ever made.
What is the meaning of life and marriage to you? Have you set life goals? Are you achieving them how you thought you would?
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